
Give thanks this day for Life and everything you have attracted into your world. As you give Thanks, you will be bursting open with JOY!

Give Thanks for the people known as friends who just love you for you! With these individuals there is no need to qualify who you are, they just love you. With these folks you do not have to have anything, do anything or be anything. They just Love you for YOU!

Give Thanks for your family; for the fine folks that have agreed to serve their particular role in your life. Thank your mother for carrying you safely in her body for nine months; laboring to give you birth and being the Best she knew how to be at the time of your upbringing. Thank your father for supporting the process of your being by providing the sperm necessary to create you! Give thanks to your father for the male energy and presence, even if absent physically. Give thanks for your siblings who have shown up to support you in life. So what if you do not always agree or see eye to eye, they are present to help you on your journey.

Give Thanks to The Source, The Most High, The Infinite Intelligence, The Omnipotent Presence, The Life Sustainer.

All you need is your breath of life to appreciate the point of Thanksgiving. The blood that runs through your veins is the same as that which circulates through the body temple of all others. Be Grateful for this gift. Be Thankful! Remain in this flow of Thanksgiving.

Find ways to be Thankful, find occurrences in your daily routine to celebrate with expressions of appreciation.

As you move about discovering the multitudes of things you are thankful for, you will automatically find yourself…


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