
Do not get lost in ‘the how’, for it will surely immobilize and distract you. Attempting to figure out the how may keep you away from achieving your goal or even staying ‘on purpose’.

I recently sat in meditation and asked the question, ‘How am I supposed to get this accomplished?’ It was as if all the Ascended Masters and my Ancestors came rushing in to answer this question. They said it is not for me to figure it all out. I am to do the part given to me to do and that is all.

You know we want all the answers before we proceed with a new or continue on with an existing idea. Okay, I am told/led to do this or that, but….The infamous but stops all the forward action and progress. Sometimes I think but is the smallest biggest word in the English language. But; stops everything. Yes I am blessed and highly favored but my rent is due and I do not know how I am going to pay it this month. Yes I know he loves me but why can’t he just do this one little thing I have asked him to do or not do. Thank you for the compliment but this old thing I have owned for years. But; cancels out the blessing.

Concentrate on ‘the what’. Clearly know ‘the what’ of your passion. What is it that you truly have passion to do? Can you define it so that a small child can clearly see your vision? What is your passion? What?

I release the need, my need to know ‘the how’. I utilize my energy in discovering ‘the what’ of my purpose here on earth. I know I came to contribute to the betterment of others. I came to be of service to my fellow human beings. I can concisely articulate ‘the what’ of my passion.

The Universe, God, Holy Spirit got my back on ‘the how’. Once I am crystal clear about my work, ‘the how’ goes into action to make it happen.

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Love this message!!! It is so timely for me. As I grow in God I am beginning to understand the, “Let Go and Let God”.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good for you. Its such a comforting place to reside. Take care, relax and enjoy life.

    Liked by 1 person

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