© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 12th

God/Goddess is all there is. God/Goddess is goodness. God/Goddess is Mercy and Grace. God/Goddess is Unconditional Love and Complete Acceptance. God/Goddess is Joy and Peace. God/Goddess is Harmony and Compassion. God/goddess is Justice. God/Goddess is……

God/Goddess is The Creator; The Master Builder; The Genius Craftsman; The Infinite Intelligence; Omnipotent Presence; Omniscient Power; The All-Knowing, All-Wise Source; The Creative Originator of everything.

God/Goddess is the source and the supply. God/Goddess is the giver of all good things. God/Goddess is the Holy Spirit that never dies. God/Goddess is the Everlasting Life. God/Goddess is the Beginning and the End. God/Goddess is…..

God/Goddess heals and harmonizes; restores and replenishes; comforts and cradles our concerns; mother and father; sister and brother; husband and wife; sweet and soothing; a comforter; God/Goddess is…..

God/Goddess breathes life into every living thing! God/Goddess is The Originator, The One Source, The Most High, The Merciful Redeemer, The Supreme Super Natural, The Way Shower.

God/Goddess is…..

God/Goddess sustains us in every moment of every day. God/Goddess is….

God/Goddess is who I pray and worship to. God/Goddess is the answer to my questions.

God/Goddess is…

God/Goddess is my all and all! God/Goddess is and I Am Thankful! God/Goddess is and therefore I Am.  God/Goddess is….


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 11th

Have you recently gotten a hunch about something and thought to yourself what should I do about that? Was the hunch so extraordinary that it seems almost impossible to achieve? Are you asking yourself where did the hunch come from?

Hunches can be gentle reminders from God/Goddess that you are still alive with unmet dreams. A friend of mine recently shared that as he watched ‘The Secret’ he closed his eyes and began immediately to remember dreams that he had forgotten about. He said he knew most people who watch the movie are impressed by what the various speakers have to say but for him it was an invitation to revisit the dreams he once had. He said it helped him to dream again.

I have watched a sitcom thinking it was just a distraction and have received some amazing antidote about things that were unfolding for me in my life. It always tickles me because I find hints and hunches in the least likely of places and situations.  A silly statement made by one of the characters will remind me of something I have left undone. So I listen all the time for clues.

I choose to follow my hunches. They may not always lead me to a final destination but surely they lead me to a place of higher understanding. I can grasp the unspoken implications and it will trigger something within me.

That hunch of yours may be the next multi- trillion dollar invention. It could be the idea of your next or first business venture. It is not that uncommon to receive inspiration from your hunches. Sometimes I believe God/Goddess communicates to us in a variety of ways to get our attention in areas where we can be richly blessed and abundantly prospered. So go ahead and look a little deeper into that hunch. Build upon the idea given to you and see what you can build from it. Perhaps it is the very idea to create an improved methodology to end a crisis. What have you got to lose? Nothing is the answer because if it does not lead you to a particular destination you will have gained knowledge along the way of how to do something different. You will have expanded your field of expertise and knowledge base.


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 10th

Basking in the beauty that is all around you is a treat! IN-joying the splendor in all that exists is remarkable. Knowing that Beauty is within all things is wisdom. Bathing and soaking in this privilege is absolutely necessary for healthy living.

I see beauty in all things and in all people. I behold the amazing uniqueness in all of life. I witness the glory in each person and honor their presence. I seek the beauty and it is there before me, all I need to do is acknowledge its presence.

I bathe in beauty every day. I soak up all the goodness of life. I wash the cares of the day away from my body, both physically and emotionally. I choose to experience only the beauty, only the glory that exists in all living things.

As I hold the vision of this reality, it is the only reality for me. I see beauty. I Am beauty. I Am the beauty of God/Goddess in human expression. I display my beauty to share with and bless others.

I see the beauty in nature. I enjoy the colors expressed through the flowers and plants. I compliment the precision in the unique markings of the birds and other animals. I pay attention to those things I may have over looked in the past. I am an observer of beauty as it is manifested in all things, everywhere forever present if I but notice it.

Today I focus on seeing beauty. I bask in the beauty that surrounds me.


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 9th

To meditate is to be still and listen. You do not need any special skills or gifts or words to say. Simply be still. To be still is to be alone without any outside disturbances. No noise. Meditation is just sitting in the quietness of life.

I once thought that you had to know special chants or say a special prayer or something else was required of me before I could go into meditation. I have been told several times in the past that it has nothing to do with any special words, hums, chants or phrases. If you had knowledge and wanted to use them that it was okay however that should never stop a person from meditating. So I reluctantly began to sit and be still. It was a learned habit as with anything else. In the beginning it was a challenge to be still and quiet. Soon my daily practice was appreciated and honored by all who know that in the morning I am not to be disturbed because that is the time I have designated as my prayer and meditation time.

How do I do it? I have a meditation tape that I listen to as I soak in the bathtub thirty minutes in the morning. Yes it does mean that I get up earlier to get this accomplished. Recently I did my meditation at midnight and was pleasantly surprised by the amazing gift I received during meditation. It was awesome and exhilarating. I did not want to come out of this experience. Unlike the morning when it prepares me to go about the business of the day, the night was soothing and prepared me for a deep sleep. So whatever time works for you is your best time.

You do not need a tape. When you have identified the best time of day for you others will respect your request for privacy. Fill the tub and just relax. If there is a question or concern you desire assistance with, just ask it. You can meditate sitting in a chair or lying down in your bed. All I want to express here is there is absolutely nothing extra required other than your desire to listen to The Infinite Intelligence speak to you. Your answers will come.

At a loss for words, just give Thanks for your life. Shout Praises to Allah. Keep repeating, I GIVE THANKS, I GIVE THANKS, I GIVE THANKS. And you will be blessed with Peace and Joy!


©Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 8th

Have you ever considered the answer to that question: What makes you happy? I was asked that question recently and I provided a long list of answers. When I was finished with the list I was told that none of my answers involved anything materialistic. I was then called a ‘simple kind of girl’. And I Loved IT!!!

My list went something like this; the birds singing to me in the early morning hours while it is still dark outside, the smile on a child’s face, people being treated fairly, the sunshine, the rain, walking barefoot, watching the squirrels dash across my yard, sharing with others, being able to smile and the sincere love received from others.

What makes you happy? Know that it can never be things that are temporary such as clothes or cars, the perfect mate or perfect job. Happiness must always come from within. Joy is a gift from God/Goddess and it is Joy that precedes happiness.

Joy comes from the gentle flow of nature. Being alone or with a group on a lake fishing, regardless to if you catch anything or not; or sticking your bare feet into the water of an ocean or pond. Joy is watching birds gently glide through the sky. Happiness is having the ability to appreciate the simple pleasures of life and fully enjoying them.

What makes you happy? Is it the sound of your children playing with reckless abandon? They know the real meaning of life and do not care if they get dirty or get their hair messed up. They only know to have fun. Can and will you be happy with them?

What makes you happy? Living in a world where Peace is the only law! Or having a culture of complete acceptance and honor, a society that does not judge by the outer but rather by the inner qualities. 

What makes you happy? The Love of God/Goddess fills me with absolute Joy and Happiness!!! Being alive makes me happy. Loving others bring me JOY!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 7th

Allowing is a form of submission. Allowing is neither controlling nor manipulative. Allowing is acceptance. Allowing is freedom from attachments to the outcome. Allowing simple is going with the flow.

Today I allow Life to flow gently around, about and through me. I allow myself to be free of restrictions and constraints. I allow myself to be joyous and loving. I allow myself to live in harmony with the entire Universe. I simply allow.

I allow you to be exactly who you are. I accept you completely without any definition or pre-judgments from me. I allow myself to see God/Goddess in you. I allow you to see the God/Goddess in me.

I am at peace in this state of allowing. I am freed from forcing my perceptions on anyone or anything. It is as it is. It is what it is. In allowing I concentrate my energies on Higher Consciousness. I allow the goodness of Holy Spirit to penetrate my actions, words and deeds. I am in the ever present, all-knowing Intelligent Mercy of The Creator.

Allowing gives me joy. I am no longer burdened with having to figure out what or how I am to act or respond. I allow everything to unfold as it is destined to do. I accept I am not in a position to control. My responsibility is to simply allow The Infinite to work in and through me and others.

As I allow I am relaxed and in harmony with the rhythm of nature. For each creature allows the other to be what and who they are. Watch them and see. Its amazing for me to watch the squirrels, chipmunks, cats, birds and rabbits all cohabitate in my backyard. They just move around each other, giving each other space and room to roam and be exactly who they are.

Today, practice allowing. Just breath deeply, exhale and ALLOW!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 6th

Do you remember the childhood game of Mother May I? It is where a group of children gets together and form a circle. One person is chosen to be the leader. The leader gives instructions to the group and if anyone moves before asking Mother May I, they lose and go back to the beginning mark. It is a game children played, asking permission from the person who they identified as being the leader.

As an adult my leader’s name has changed to God/Goddess. So I ask and wait for an answer. I do not force an answer. I wait or I may possibly be told to go back to the beginning point of the game. Neither do I move without asking first. In my asking I am acknowledging the Head of my life. I am saying, I think I heard the direction, the guidance, the instructions yet I desire to be clear about my next move. God/Goddess May I?

In prayer and meditation I ask The Source for confirmation. I seek and I wait. I realize that sometimes I can become impatient and want to move ahead before receiving an answer. Not being obedient is no longer an option. I desire for my next step to be governed by My Leader. I ask to seek clarity. I wait trusting that all is working out just as it should, according to The Masters Plan for my life.

God/Goddess’ answers are always very specific. Yes you may, is the answer I wait to hear before proceeding to the next step. When the answer, as I perceive it, is delayed I sit and be still. This can sometimes be a very nervous time for me because I want to move now and not later. Do I dare risk the cost of starting from the beginning yet again? I think not! In due time and season I move.

God/Goddess is blessing me right now! I joyously receive my Spiritual answers.



© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 5th

I forgive myself for holding on to things which no longer serve me. I forgive myself totally and completely for any negative emotions I have not allowed myself to release. I forgive myself for not honoring the life and beauty in me. I forgive myself for not loving me unconditionally!!!

I forgive myself because I have become my own worst critic. I release the need to beat up on myself for missing the mark. I forgive myself because I believe I have to work hard to be acceptable and gain entrance into the Kingdom of God/Goddess. I forgive myself because through unforgiveness I cannot move freely; I cannot move forward nor can I accept others.

I forgive myself to liberate the God/Goddess consciousness in me to fully operate and express through me. I forgive because The Source harbors no ill feelings about me. I Am made in the image and after the likeness of The Most High. I forgive myself for not consistently loving me enough to not cause harm to my body temple. I forgive myself because I have held on long enough to these worn out false ideas about what makes me a good person. My standards are from on high and from that position I Am good and very good, even from my inception. I am not conceived nor born into sin. My existence was created from an act of love and passion.

I forgive myself because I must accept that the actions I took represented my understanding at that time. Now that I know better, I do better. Today I declare with full intention to completely and totally forgive myself of any labels or false names I have placed on myself. Today I freely choose Forgiveness.

God/Goddess forgives all my actions. I forgive all my actions. I am freed by and through FORGIVENESS. As I learn to forgive myself it is very easy to forgive all others. My choice is simple: I FORGIVE ALL BEGINNING WITH MYSELF!!!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 4th

Each night we lay down to sleep and are dead to this physical world. Each morning we are awakened to a new life. We have received another opportunity to live, we have been given another new beginning. This newness is like being born again, or experiencing a rebirth.

What will you do with this brand new day? Can you recognize the beauty in it? Do you hear the sounds of life or are you being totally entranced by loud disturbing noises? Can you see the life in all living things or are you blinded by limited vision?

Today is the best opportunity that you will have to live life anew. You can experience a rebirth today, if you so choose. I choose to live life as if it is brand new to me today because it is new. In this new day I celebrate who I am and who I have become. I Am mastering myself to be the best person I can become and be.

I am rebirthed into the full expression of unconditional love. I accept and receive others just as they are. My limited perception is not meant to be bestowed upon others who are doing their best to live a good life. What is good for someone else may or may not be good for me to duplicate. The same is true vice versa. I honor each person as they appear on my path of life.

I receive the bounty of rebirth in my talents and abilities. I trust I can do that which has been given to me to do. I am my best in learning new ideas and concepts. I demonstrate my willingness to learn from another. Yes I do accept I do not know it all. I can and do learn from others, especially the babies. The babies are pure in thought and actions.  My lessons come in all forms, through all things and people. I am open to receiving the lessons others have come to teach me.

My Rebirth is genuine and carefully scripted. God/Goddess molded the thought in me at my original conception and provides me with additional opportunities to get it right through my daily rebirthing. I accept full responsibility for utilizing my rebirth. To God/Goddess be the Glory and Praise! Today I experience a Rebirth of epic proportions!!! I Am grateful. I Am Blessed. I Am a child of the Most Gracious Benefactor of Life!!!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 3rd

My life is a wonderful gift from GOD/GODDESS! I choose to live it honorably. I choose to love fully, removing imposed limitations. I Love my life! I cherish my life!

I do not take my life for granted. I Am wise and know that I Am richly blessed and endowed with a tremendous opportunity to contribute to the well being of humanity. It may be the simple gift of bringing Joy to situations. It may be to remind others of their connection to the One Source. It might just be that wondrous smile that eases the tension in all conditions. It may the spoken words of encouragement and support. However it appears, it is a gift to me and I use it as my expression to others.

My Life; now that is a powerful thought! What am I doing with my life? Am I truly living the life I desire? If not, do I spend time in prayer asking for guidance and direction from The Creator? Is my life filled with faith and truth? If not, am I seeking a different way? Is my life lived in JOY?

Oh how precious is my gift of LIFE! I cherish my gift. I savor my gift. My life is a great gift, a joyous present. I enjoy my life at all times. My life is filled with laughter and joy. My life is spent sharing with others. My life is a testimony to the Goodness of God/Goddess. My precious life is a gift!

God/Goddess has and is blessing me. Each moment of breath is a gift. Every ounce of blood that circulates through my body is a gift. The movement of all my limbs is a gift. The ability to think and reason is a gift. The fully functioning body organs that cooperate with each other in making my body move about without any strenuous energy on my part is a welcomed gift. This body temple operates according to the Master’s plan and I rejoice! I rejoice because I do not have to figure it out, it just works in its OWN divine way.

YES I know my life is a pure and true gift! I accept my life as a genuine gift and treasure it immensely. I Thank God/Goddess.