
December 3rd

The voice whispers to me, “GO BEYOND YOUR SELF IMPOSED LIMITATIONS. There is great work to be done. You are only partially there. Yes go beyond your comfort level. STRETCH.”

This is a tall demand from the Universe. We stay in our comfort zones for exactly that reason, it is our comfort zone. Then comes a nudge, a gentle reminder that more is required of you. And what do you do? Well we can either stretch and see great rewards or we can stay in that little known zone of comfort and no growth. What is funny is that even when our comfort level is one filled with pain and confusion we would rather stay than to do something different. This is probably true for everyone.

We have a habit we would like to discontinue. We know the benefits in adopting a new life style but we stay in it anyway. It has nothing to do with the power of the habit. It is us that refuse to change our actions. This is truly funny and I see myself in this analogy.

On New Year’s Day we allow ourselves to stretch in declaring new changes for the upcoming year. There are studies done to reveal how many never get past the first day of their resolutions. I know I have done it. Have vowed to lose weight or work out daily only to wake up the next morning and put it off yet again! And it is hilarious.

The only solution is to be comfortable in allowing the action of stretching. Notice the little things where you allow yourself to stretch. Perhaps this is in thinking a new thought, of discarding former negative ideas about things. Maybe you did not get upset with someone who has in the past annoyed you. Let us learn to celebrate the little stretches that we accomplish and learn this new action. As we learn we will get better and build our capacity to stretch any further. Who knows maybe it is as easy and just doing it.

I will keep you supported, please do the same for me. I want to stretch!!!

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  1. Thank you so much! I needed this one TODAY! Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network. From: Revsandy’s BlogSent: Thursday, December 3, 2015 3:05 AMTo: kimberley@pisab.orgReply To: Revsandy’s BlogSubject: [New post] STRETCH

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    revsandy posted: ”

    December 3rd

    The voice whispers to me, “GO BEYOND YOUR SELF IMPOSED LIMITATIONS. There is great work to be done. You are only partially there. Yes go beyond your comfort level. STRETCH.”

    This is a tall demand from the Universe. We stay in our co”


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