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Our children be they grown adult children or newborn babies are precious gifts. God has given the parents the task of caring for these precious commodities. They are our precious cargo.


It is also the duty of the Village to care for our babies. In times past the elders of the community willingly and willfully aided in the care of the children. But something changed and you can find these days elders who are not prepared to help with the youth or elders who are not so willing to assist.


Our children are precious gifts even when they do not behave in a precious manner. It is still our responsibility to help care for the small children. The community must return to a state of knowing that each must take a role in creating the vision we have for a better society. The village elders have the wisdom and skill to assist. However they must be welcomed into the role as a respected and valuable entity in the raising of our children.


Do you volunteer in your community to serve the youth? Do you have an hour that you can donate to the well-being of the youth and the community? There are children who go astray because of the lack of concern and attention given to them. It will not take much if everyone helped and aided the youth in their respective communities. These babies deserve our attention and love.


Our precious cargo may miss the opportunity of learning the correct history of our culture. How did your fore parents get to the United States? As most of us that live here have migrated from somewhere else, do you know the history of your family? Can you share that history so the rich heritage is preserved?


I thank God for the children. I thank God for my role in helping to encourage and strengthen them. I thank God for a community of folks who willingly give freely of themselves to improve the lives of our Precious Gifts.

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