© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 February 4th

How majestic and magnificent The Creator is! Stop and enjoy a long stare into nature.

As you observe the wondrous movement of existence you will be deeply moved by the AWESOMENESS! Can you see the trees breathing? They are growing a little each day. They smile through their leaves. They stretch out their arms to provide shade and comfort. They are strong yet bend with the wind, displaying their flexibility.

I take a lingering look into the sky. I like to make a game of it. Look at the clouds and think about what their shapes resemble and remind you of. Children love to participate in this activity. The shapes are unique, always different, always shifting. The contrast against the variations of the hues of blue in the sky is Beautiful!

For today while you go about your routine, remember the faces you encounter. Each person is a unique expression and creation. No two are alike, even identical twins are different. It could only be the ALL INTELLIGENT SPIRIT who would create absolutely everything as one of a kind! WOW, we must appreciate all life forms, whether human, plant or animal.

Today give thanks for…….




© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 January 7th

God designed life to be simple. Jesus came to demonstrate to us the ease and joy of human existence. Yet with our intellectual prowess, we have managed to create a very difficult and challenging human existence.  We have created countless theories to discount our very core of goodness. Millions of dollars have been spent on or in the quest of self-discovery or self-improvement.

The very language of our formative years, may have taught us to not be great, because in so doing we would become self-centered.  As an adult, being self-centered is a good quality, when that centeredness is acknowledging our Christ-consciousness.  Self centeredness only becomes undesirable when we allow the ego to guide and control our actions and words.

When we return to our natural state of pure love, our Christ-self, we simplify our life.  The simplicity is living in unconditional love, that is not judging people, conditions or situations.  When we love completely, we live in a state of total acceptance and full forgiveness.  In accepting and forgiving we discover our power, an awesome power that shines brightly through us to illumine our path and makes our way easy to see and understand.

To release your power, choose to live in the Light and Love of your Christ-consciousness. As you release all held judgments and begin to forgive, miracles will unfold in your life.  Life for you will become new.  The newness is in seeing everything from a higher consciousness.  This action is very liberating and allows the goodness of God to penetrate the very core of your being.  As you begin to love unconditionally, you will notice that the act of judging has caused havoc for you.  Havoc disguised as physical ailments or unhappy relationships.

There is power and new life in Love. Colossians 3:10 states, “You are living a brand new life that is continually learning more and more of what is right, and trying constantly to be more and more like Christ who created this new life within you.” (The Living Bible translation). Love is purifying, cleansing the blockages of unforgiveness and judgment. Colossians 3:14, “Most of all, let love guide your life, for then the whole church will stay together in perfect harmony.” This also applies to your other relationships as well; in your family, with your friends, on the job and all other encounters.  The power you will receive is abundantly rich with blessings of all kinds.

Learn to love.  Begin by embracing the uniqueness and diversity in all people.  Allow people to express themselves without your judgment.  Honor your neighbor with respect.  Be a helpmate to those requiring a helping hand or encouraging word. Do not destroy another with negative words or thoughts. Love others where they are. Love yourself unconditionally. Loving is healing in action.  This is truly your power and it is enthusiastic and energizing.

Your power of Love is waiting to be released!



December 28th

When we are in the midst of a challenge, it can be difficult to maintain a positive attitude about the outcome. However each of us knows without doubt that we will look back on this seeming situation and laugh knowing that it too has passed!

I know I have been asked by several people if I truly believed in the message I have on my voicemail, “Its All Good, All The Time”. I usually laugh because I can tell the person is in the middle of something and they are looking for confirmation that it is going to turn out okay. My response is that while we are ‘in it’ it looks very dark and dismal, but if we just keep going we will eventually reach the other side of it, whatever ‘it is’. On that other side we can once again declare, “It is all good all the time.”

As for myself, ‘in the storm’ I may get confused and want to stop or at least pull over. But instead I turn everything else off  (doubt, worry, fear) and I pray asking for wisdom, courage and strength to get through to the other side. I learned this lesson while driving the highways in Alabama. To me Alabama rains are the worst I have experienced anywhere in the U.S. On several trips through the state I have encountered severe down pours of blinding rain. I wanted to pull over and wait it out. But I had no idea if someone else was there that I could not see. The fact I may cause or create an accident was not an option I wanted to risk. As I slowed down and kept going, confidence and calm always took charge. Slowly the rains would lighten and I could begin to see again. So I have used this same analogy with real life situations. If you but keep going you will reach the end of the storm regardless to how awful the down pour is currently.

My advice is JUST KEEP GOING. The sun will be shining and waiting on your arrival, after the storm is over.  God will Bless you through the storm!!



December 19th

I will wake up and live the life I Love, in Spirit and in Truth!!!

My source is God. I am sustained in a power I will never be able to express in words. This power is God! The power of God is incredible, it is Awesome! This power can turn war into peace. This power can transcend time and place. It is everywhere evenly distributed. It is a power that heals and harmonizes everything in its path. I connect to my Infinite Source at all times.

There is a power inside of me that is greater than any outside influence. I rise up and greet this Power with my utmost respect. I rise up to welcome this Power into every small detail of my existence. I rise up!

I must be fully awake to utilize this Power. I choose to be aware of this Power. I acknowledge this Power. I am this Power, in human expression.

There is a gift inside of me begging for expression through me. I know it, I feel it, I can sense it. I live this life that has been but a dream. I fully engage in its reality. I give birth to it with ease, joy and peace. I am excited.

Wake up and fully live! Wake up and allow your uniqueness to flow, to water all of humanity. You are a gift.

I discover the life I sincerely Love. I live the life I Love! I Am the life I Love. God is my strength, my courage, my wisdom. With God I can conquer all fear and live victoriously. With God all things are possible! I Am charged with an unfailing attitude of Success! Thanks God for choosing me to do the work that I alone am called to do. Thanks Creator for entrusting me with the gifts to make a contribution that benefits all of mankind.







December 6th

What God has for you is beyond your wildest imagination! You cannot fathom the richness, the prosperity, the abundance that awaits you!

God created the Storehouse of Plenty! The Creator said ‘you can have everything that you desire’. The Source of all creation is simply waiting for you to make your request known. WOW!

You must be and remain open and receptive to the Good that is yours. Never allow thoughts or words to contradict your acceptance of Blessings. Trust that it is yours. Watch God show out in your life. The Blessings will begin to flood your life in every area.

Pray constantly with Thanksgiving. Thank God for every detail of your present situation. Thank God for Mercy and Grace. Thank God for life. Let Thanksgiving be your constant prayer.

Meditate on the Goodness of God, your life and all humanity. Surround loved ones in your meditation with perfect health and wholeness. Send those healing energy vibrations into the universe.

Be prepared to receive. Eliminate all negative thoughts and words from you. Permit only thoughts and words of abundance, life, health and prosperity to linger in you. Saturate yourself in loving thoughts and actions. Yes YOU are worthy and deserving of the best. You must believe this and as you allow yourself to trust, watch it appear abundantly in your life. It is that easy.

The Source seeks to Bless you beyond your wildest imagination! Be ready to receive it. God is, therefore you are. What God has for you is for you!


Allow Infinite Intelligence to be your coach.

A coach directs the action and calls the game plan to win! The coach will tell you where you need to improve, what corrections you need to make to win the game! The coach is always present at each game. The coach takes pride in helping you to win!

WOW, using God as your coach. That is the Ultimate Life Coach. Play the game of life to win. Discover your purpose and proceed. Seek the advice of your trusted coach before you enter the game and while you are actively involved in the game. Make the adjustments that have been identified and win!

My God coach is ready and amply equipped to show me the way to victory! I call upon my coach throughout the day. I use the counsel of my coach as I entertain a new opponent. I win with the aid of my coach.

I begin each day with one on one consultation with my coach. I am given the game plan for the day and proceed in Faith and confidence that victory is already mine. I go for the Gold.

Today I know Who my coach is and I am ever grateful for the many interactions we share. My coach calls the plays and I follow the instructions given to me. I hit the basket, I make the shoot, I cross the goal line, I am number 1 in the race I am running.

I live my life with certainty that the victory is mine. God with me and working through me is a sure win every time. I listen with intention of winning to my coach. I am open and receptive to the teachings of my coach.

God I give Thanks that You are my coach in this game of life. I celebrate victory after victory. We are an Awesome duo on all the courts of play.

Thanks God.


Webster’s definition of the word – transform: to change the form or appearance; to change the condition, character or function of.

The power of Giving Continual Thanks has created a Transformation in me. I see every detail differently. I see the beauty and wonder in all. I honor and respect all people, everywhere. I look upon nature in a new light. My load has been made lighter by the simple act of always, always acknowledging my blessings and giving Thanks!

I am transformed into the human God designed me to be. My appearance has changed to reflect the same Goodness God embodies. My character is welcoming of diversity and accepting of all nationalities. My function is to serve others and remain Thankful for the opportunity to do so.

I love this new me, the same me just heightened by a higher consciousness and awareness of the excellence of humanity. I am ever Thankful for the many and varied experiences that are given to me to enjoy this life. I welcome all seeming challenges with open arms. I am connected to the Only Source I need. I plug in as often as necessary. That connection is in the simple yet profound statements of Thanksgiving.

I Thank The Master for keeping me here to witness and appreciate the fullness of the Universe. I give Thanks this day for opened eyes and an open heart to receive the abundance that is mentioned in most religious books. I know The Secret, it is the Inclusion of all of Humanity in a world of Peace, Respect, Honor, Dignity, Compassion, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Tolerance, Justice, Harmony, Unconditional Love, and Value.

I give Thanks today for my awareness of Heaven here on earth.

I give Thanks for illumination!!!

I give Thanks for Total Transformation…..


You can eclipse the past with thoughts of Forgiveness and Compassion.

You can eclipse the past with Love and Mercy.

You can eclipse the past with Peace and Harmony.

You can replace those images and thoughts with Unconditional Acceptance as events that occurred because of the blessings that they gave to you. Those circumstances helped you to become all that you are. They are neither good nor bad. They just are.

Today choose to focus on being Thankful for everything. Just be Thankful. Allow the blessings and lessons to give to you exactly what you require. They have surely shown up to help you grow and stretch.

I am Thankful. The past is now over and I can choose to remember the incident whatever way I choose to this day. I choose to allow my mind to be filled with thoughts of Love and Peace. I choose wisely this day the thoughts that I carry with me. I send out prayers of Peace and Justice.

For those times and individuals who showed up that I did not understand at the time, I say Thanks be to God for their appearances. I now understand that they were an indication of where I was in my thoughts. I wholeheartedly choose to eclipse the past with pleasure, especially those things that taught me the most valuable lessons in life and living.

I eclipse the past with Mercy and Grace.

I eclipse the past with Pure Unconditional Love and Acceptance.

I entertain thoughts of Peace, Love, Light, Passion and Wisdom.



As I walk daily with God,

There is only one set of footprints.

God and I are One.

God directs my path and my steps.

God and I are One.

I listen carefully as God whispers to my Spirit.

God and I are One.

God breathes the breath of life through my being and I am happy.

God and I are One.

God alone is sufficient.

God and I are One.

God’s Grace sustains me, daily.

God and I are One.

Oh, I give Thanks for this Indwelling Presence.

God and I are One.


This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Today celebrate all of Humanity as we end this month of Oneness and Unity. Embrace the uniqueness of each person in your life. No two are alike and that is marvelous.

Celebrate the variety of life. Celebrate God today. Celebrate the Unity of Diversity. Celebrate knowing that you are creating a world of Excellence for all people. Celebrate with thoughts of Peace and Harmony. Celebrate with genuine Acceptance. Celebrate the same breath being freely given to sustain life in all individuals.

Let us continue to live our lives in full appreciation for the diversity and variety in God’s Kingdom here on earth. Let us welcome people into our lives with a pure heart. Let us discontinue to think and react because of false information received. We are all an offspring of The Most High. We are each a child of Infinite Intelligence. The Creator made all of us in the same Spirit and with the same Unconditional Love. We are all the same.

Celebrate your contributions to the wellness of a world of Peace. Be Peace for yourself first. Then extend that Peace out to all, to every living soul you interact with. Celebrate the wonder of life. Celebrate the free gift of living in this day, at this appointed time.

Celebrate a new you, fresh and fully alive with gratitude.

Celebrate and enjoy the wonderful workings of all those around you.

This is a perfect day to Celebrate all of Humanity!!!