What do you hear when people tell you who they are? Do you listen to them or do you process it through the personal filter of your expectations? Do you hear their reality or do you hear blah, blah, blah because you need to hear only what you choose to hear? In the end you want to blame the person for not being who you assumed they would be.

Most people show up in their authenticity and when we listen to what they have to say we can truly learn who they are. Yet we often miss the message because we are not truly listening. People really do tell us who they are, even if it does not sound like what we want to hear them say.

Practice intentional listening; truly listen to what is being said by the other person. They will tell you the truth about who they are. Do not allow your expectations to interfere with what you hear. What are they telling you about themselves? Are they unavailable? Are they afraid? Do they need you to support them: emotionally, mentally or spiritually? Do they desire to share themselves and looking for a safe environment for that to occur?

I hear from many people their frustrations about a relationship that ended bitterly. In most instances it stems from one or both not sincerely listening to the other. One or both played the game of selfish motivation. They wanted the other person to be what they needed them to be and not who they truly were.

Today participate in total surrender to listening to what people are saying to you. You will receive rich blessings by uncovering the depths of the true souls of folks. You will hear stories of desires, goals, past pains and hurts, a longing to be heard by others.

Thank God for gifting you with two ears and one mouth. This implies we are to listen twice as much as we talk.

What do you hear?




August 8th


As I sit, I carefully observe and pay attention to all that is around me. I pay honor and treasure my ability to listen, not insisting on talking.

As I sit, I allow myself to become an integral part of the whole. It’s awesome to have this feeling of being totally involved with the Universe.

As I sit, I hear the sounds of nature. Even while there is noise I can still hear the birds, their sound is ever present when I tune my hearing into them.

As I sit, I can sense the feelings of those around me. It is as if we are communicating on a soul level. No words need be spoken for me to connect with those around me. A glance, a nod or a smile is simply enough to acknowledge their presence.

As I sit, I am Thankful for this vast and massive Universe. I am Thankful to be alive in a time such as this.

As I sit, I listen intently to what is not being verbally expressed. I can hear the hearts of others. I can feel their emotions of both joy and pain; anger and excitement; fear and ecstasy. I am in alignment with their Spirit and it is a connection of souls relating to each other.

As I sit, I rejoice in my own being. I appreciate all that I have and all that I  am. I rejoice knowing it is all a gift from the Creator!

As I sit, I become stronger and wiser. I allow the indwelling presence of Infinite Source to fill me to overflowing with goodness and mercy. The Grace of God restores my soul and my spirit.

As I sit, I remember to be ever Thankful all the time.

As I sit, I am gifted with Wisdom and Strength.

As I sit……..