What can you rid yourself of today? Worry, fear, anxiety, frustration?

What will you choose as a replacement? Love, Acceptance, Joy, Laughter?

There are receptacles all around your town with labels for old newspapers, old clothing, old anything. People eagerly gather the things to be tossed and travel to these spots and discard the items they no longer have a use for.

Use this same method in cleaning out the negativity from your consciousness. Throw out the worn ideas of lack and limitation, of not being deserving and lovable. Throw away the need to condemn your self. Discard all the stuff that has been lingering around your house (your thoughts) and cheerfully throw them all away. Plan a celebration party after this has been completed. Celebrate your new place of Peace and Renewal.

 Did you find more stuff when you returned home that you had forgotten about? That’s okay, just get right back into your car and drive them as fast as you can to the disposable bin and toss them in. Make a promise to yourself that once it has been discarded you will not go back looking for it to wear or use just one more time. Let it be gone forever from you, from your thoughts and your memory.

And choose to never purchase disposable items again. Select and purchase only the lasting and permanent things that Life has to offer. Select and purchase Unconditional Love. Make Forgiveness a stable in your household. Purchase Acceptance and Justice and never allow it to expire.

And remember to keep your cupboards clean!!!


How often do you ask the question, Why? As small children we are always asking, why. We want to learn the reason behind the information. We yearn to know.

As adults we may forget to ask why. We have become fearful of not knowing yet asking why will somehow let others know we do not know the answer. So what if you do not know. As an adult you would sternly tell a child that it is better to ask than risk getting hurt. That applies to all people.

Challenge the small talk that you have with yourself that keeps you in bondage to fear. Each person has the right to ask why. When you have the answer it becomes your responsibility to impart the wisdom.

Do you have intelligent conversations with yourself? Do you question your actions, asking the infamous – why? We can become so robotic, doing things so automatically that we often do not know the why. Perhaps your answer is because I have always done it this way. But WHY?

I have become a self observer and it is very interesting. Things I do so routinely, I am asking myself – why? Do my actions reflect who I am? Am I stuck in a past condition of reacting? Can I change willingly? Or will I offer resistance to myself?

I have learned to laugh at and with myself, especially when my actions are not representative of who I am today. At times I have accepted what others have told me to be the truth, unconsciously of course (smile). Or I go along on automatic because I am not required to think about what I am doing.

Practice being an observer of you today. Ask yourself why whenever you catch yourself doing anything that does not reflect who you say you are. This is a fascinating exercise and I know you will find value in doing it.

Why? Please record your responses. Peace be unto you.



Within YOU is the Greatest Person ever known. Permission is hereby granted to you to accept this fact and live it in Absolute confidence.

You are great! You are wise! You are more than what you see in a mirror. You are infinite Spirit and inexhaustible Power. You posses Greatness.  You are Royalty. You are Magnificent. You are a shining Light.

YES I am talking about YOU!

You have the All-Knowing Source as part of your DNA. In your bloodline is the Powerful Omniscient Creator. Your heart is pumping with Allah Presence and Protection. Buddha is in your cells. Jehovah radiates in your being. Jesus is alive in you. All the Ascended Masters are breathing air into your lungs. The Ancestors strength and perseverance is your bone marrow. You are fully equipped with absolutely everything you require to accomplish whatever it is you desire to accomplish.

Recognize Who you are; An Incredibly Remarkable Unrepeatable Miracle.

There is Greatness inside of you. Have you recognized it? Do you honor it? Must it be repeated? Okay…. YOU ARE GREAT!

Accept and commit to your Greatness today. Live your life in Absolute Faith. Know that you are truly gifted with each and every little thing you require to manifest exactly what you choose.



Tall order isn’t it? Not at all. Have you ever heard:  Know God – No Fear? Or you can’t worry and have faith at the same time.

So just for today practice the art of letting go all worry, fear based reactions, doubt and negative concern.

Each time something comes up for you that you find it difficult to focus on anything other than complete faith, stop! Re-focus your thoughts and energy. Take a deep cleansing breath and relax. Next picture the outcome exactly as you desire it to be. Hold that vision as long as you can. The worry will disappear. You may need to repeat this several times if you are not accustomed to projecting positive energy. The key point here is to remember to breath and relax. Allow the negative emotions to leave your thoughts and your body.

This takes practice and consistency. We unfortunately live in a world based and motivated on fear, so to counteract the effects you must be deliberate in doing this. Do not allow other people to tell you how awful things are. Do not listen to the negative hype.

Decide to rid yourself of all self limiting beliefs and ideas. You can have all that you desire and more! Remain open to receiving the goodness and there it is for you. The Universe is awesome and will respond to you in kindness.

Today I release all worry and fear. I allow the Goodness and Grace of the Merciful Creator to penetrate my core. I feast on God’s promises today. I know I can. I, like my Father, are creators. I create Joy, Love, Harmony, Peace and Happiness.

Thanks God. Thanks God. Thanks God.


May 28th


You are alive and well, means you are worthy! You are a breathing soul, means that you are worthy. The precious blood that circulates through your body, means you are worthy! By simply BE-ing you are worthy!!!


I declare and accept my worthiness right now! I know that my life has meaning, value and worth. I am a deserving human, deserving of all honor, respect and dignity. I choose to not give or compromise myself in any situation. I cherish my self-worth.


I know I Am Worthy because I Am a God-child. I Am heir to the Kingdom of The Creator. My worth has nothing to do with the kind of work I perform or the material possessions I own. My Worth is freely given to me through my life and existence.


I accept I Am worthy through God’s Grace and Mercy! I acknowledge all others with this same attribute of Worthiness. We are each the same.


It is my job to recognize the God-presence in every person I encounter. I choose to honor their presence and accept they are worthy souls on this journey of life with me. My life is enriched by the multitudes. My circle of friends is filled with worthy folks. My family represents all worthy individuals. The stranger on the street is a worthy child of God. The meek, sick and shut-in are all worthy folks. The disabled, handicap and challenged are all worthy.


In memory of those that have departed this physical plane, I honor your valued contributions to my existence. I know you are forever a worthy element of this vast Universe.


I add value by accepting and expressing my worthiness. I seek and see worthy folks all around me, everyplace I go. We are all the same.



It is a beautiful sight to see fish swimming with the flow of the water. In a nursery rhyme it says, “Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream.” Watching a majestic waterfall cascading down a mountain is a wondrous sight.


These are examples of going with the flow. It would be unnatural to see a fish swimming against the current. It would probably lose all its energy and succumb to the enormous fete.


Are you going with the flow? Or are you fighting your way against the current? Are you doing what feels good and natural to you? Is your life a battle each day?


I choose to go with the flow! I am at my best when I am matched with situations and circumstances that match who I am. I no longer choose to force a situation to fit me rather I choose the situation that complements me and my life purpose. I determine the flow of my life.


I go with the flow of All Good, God, The Creator. I stay in the presence and protection of the Infinite One, The Source. I flow with Grace and Mercy, trusting the process of life and creation.


My way is made easy and joyous by following and going with the flow. I breathe life in the flow. I am relaxed and rejuvenated in the flow of existence.  I enjoy the flow.


I Go with the Flow!!!



How is your attitude today? Is it Thankful and Appreciative? Is it Joyous and Happy? Is it Excited and Enthusiastic?


Is your language positive and uplifting? Does your language support creative life and living? Does your language support empowerment and expansion?


What do I gain by holding on to:










I choose God’s Unconditional Love!


I surrender everything to God’s Grace and Mercy!


The Triumphant Spirit in me,

Heals me,

Renews me.


The Joy of The Creator is my strength.


Only TRUTH prevails in my life!!!!









Today I give my Best! I give my best to myself first. I truly appreciate who I am. I honor myself with uncontrollable gratitude. I see only good in myself. I give my best as a direct reflection of my consciousness. I am my Best and therefore I share my Best.


What is your best? Be willing to share it today with all others and yourself.


My best is always demonstrated by a genuine, welcoming smile. My best is unconditional Love shown to myself and others. My best is saying “Good Morning” and making the person feel it is indeed a good morning. My best is taking care of myself so I free others to take care of themselves. My best is generosity of kindness. My best is saying, “Thank You. I Appreciate You. I Love You.” My best is believing we each can stretch a little farther and being a cheerleader to get the WIN! My best is trusting the process. My best is giving a gentle hug to those I meet. My best is always insisting that every person know they can and they will. My best is stretching beyond my self-imposed limitations. My best is serving humanity in a kind and loving manner.


I give my best and I receive the best from others. I graciously accept the best from others even if it does not match my expectations. I admire those who give their best especially in challenging conditions. I honor and respect each person that desires to give their best, even as they are discovering what their best is. I am grateful for the opportunity to receive the best others have to share with me.











Artificial stimulation is anything and everything that is on the outside of you. Our stimulation comes from the inside of us. It comes from our core of being.


What do you use to stimulate yourself? Coffee, caffeinated drinks, chocolate, food, prescription drugs, what? I have told myself many times that I cannot get going in the morning until I have my coffee. I have believed this to be true. I love the aroma and the taste of coffee. That however is no reason to give it control over me. I can use it, just not depend on it. This is a new revelation for me. Coffee now has a new role in my daily activities. I can still enjoy it and enjoy it very much.


My stimulation comes from my connection to Source. My prayer and meditation is what truly stimulates me. This is my private time. Each person is due silent meditative time with God. Each person can participate in this activity. It is not reserved for any particular type of person. Many are called yet few will answer. Yet it is always available to you.


In my quiet time, the phone is unplugged. I relax trusting and knowing how precious this time alone with The Creator can be. I ask questions and receive answers. I listen for instruction and they are given to me. I give sincere Thanks for my life. I am appreciative of all that I have.


I am obedient to authentic stimulation. It guides and directs me, when I allow it to serve me. How powerful and awesome is this stimulation. You can reach well beyond the limitations you have placed on yourself. I Am grateful for knowledge and wisdom. I welcome them into my affairs.


Now that I understand the difference I can have my delicious cup of coffee. I can completely savor the aroma and the taste.


I accept that true stimulation comes from Infinite Source.



I choose Peace! I choose to be a Peace Maker and a Peace Keeper.

I choose Peace as my way of life. I give Peace and I receive Peace. I radiate Peace out into the Universe and it returns to me pressed down, shaken together and overflowing.

I do not allow anyone or anything to disturb my Peace. If a person or situation is not in alignment with Peace, I kindly ask them to leave. It is not rude or disrespectful. Rather it is an act of self-respect, insisting that confusion be kept away from you.

I walk into rooms filled with crowds of people and the energy shifts immediately because of my presence. I bring Peace and Joy. We can each do that if we choose to do it. It’s like the sunshine that warms you. Peace restores and replenishes.

My home is filled with Peace. Peace fills every nook and cranny, every corner of my home is deposited with Peace. When people visit they do not want to leave. Peace is always a welcoming agent to others. Peace soothes the soul. Then there maybe others who want to rob my dwelling of this serenity. I do not allow that to happen. It has taken time and effort to anchor my home in Peace and no one is privileged to undo it. I protect my Peace-filled dwelling like a proud parent.

Be a Peace Maker. Be a Peace Keeper. Let that thought rule your actions this day. Peace Be Still!

Sending you bountiful blessings of ABUNDANT PEACE!