Daily IN-spiration * * * May 4th


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries


May 4th


Each night we lay down to sleep and are dead to this physical world. Each morning we are awakened to a new life. We have received another opportunity to live, we have been given another chance. This newness is like being born again, or experiencing a rebirth.


What will you do with this brand new day? Can you recognize the beauty in it? Do you hear the sounds of life or are you being totally entranced by loud disturbing noises? Can you see the life in all living things or are you blinded by limited vision?


Today is the best opportunity that you will have to live life anew. You can experience a rebirth today, if you so choose. I choose to live life as if it is brand new to me today because it is new. In this new day I celebrate who I am and who I have become. I Am mastering myself to be the best person I can become and be.


I am rebirthed into the full expression of unconditional love. I accept and receive others just as they are. My limited perception is not meant to be bestowed upon others who are doing their best to live a good life. What is good for someone else may or may not be good for me to duplicate. The same is true vice versa. I honor each person as they appear on my path of life.


I receive the bounty of rebirth in my talents and abilities. I trust I can do that which has been given to me to do. I am my best in learning new ideas and concepts. I demonstrate my willingness to learn from another. Yes I do accept I do not know it all. I can and do learn from others, especially the babies. The babies are pure in thought and actions.  My lessons come in all forms, through all things and people. I am open to receiving the lessons others have come to teach me.


My Rebirth is genuine and carefully scripted. God molded the thought in me at my original birth and provides me with additional opportunities to get it right through my daily rebirthing. I accept full responsibility for utilizing my rebirth. To God be the Glory and Praise! Today I experience a Rebirth of epic proportions!!! I Am grateful. I Am Blessed. I Am a child of the Most Gracious Benefactor of Life!!!

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