© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 February 24th

Today, think on and repeat these seven words as often as you possibly can.









You will begin to notice a shift occurring. You will feel lighter.

Please define these words for yourself. I am providing my definitions to help you get started.

Life – a free gift from God

Light – illumination

Love – unconditional

Wisdom –applied knowledge

Joy – heart felt happiness

Peace – calmness

Truth – God is……


Surrender all concerns today and think on these words.

Submit yourself to their Upliftment and encouragement.

SMILE, and the whole world smiles with you.

Be empowered with positivity.


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God is more than money is what I was told by Mother Elnor Abdullah. This simply yet eloquent statement stopped my thoughts. What does she mean by this? Our Elders are always gifting us with wisdom when we allow them to.

Sometimes we confine our prayer request, to Infinite Source, to financial matters. Sometimes we get lost in the support we feel we need and it is not readily present. Or is it? As we have learned from various teachers, what we focus on we will attract into our life. Now it becomes another question all together, where is your focus?

When I allow myself to stay centered and focused on the Goodness of God, Blessings seem to quickly manifest in my life. I have accepted that God and I are actually more than money and it puts a different energy around that necessary component of living. When I can take importance away from money and place my complete attention on the Goodness of God, it loses its hold on my thoughts.

As with money, so with relationships; when we think that God is only in the business of providing us with a perfect mate, then once again we are limiting God. Or when we discount the rains in favor of the sun always shining, both are provided by God for us.

I give Thanks to Infinite Intelligence for opening my mind to thinking a new thought about the things of life. I am grateful that I can see what is really important. Life and Love, Peace and Passion, Compassion and Care, and Forgiveness are the key essentials of life. These are all free to us by virtue of The Supreme Being.

Next time you think that you can limit God, rethink your options.

God is more than money. God is the substance of life!

Thanks God.


Power, Potential and Possibility!

You are created in the image and likeness of God. You have within YOU everything that you require to live an abundant life.

You have the Power of The Creator at your disposal. You can use this Power anyway you choose. You are victorious in this game of life. Use your Power with Integrity and Wisdom. Bless and serve others.

You have Potential. The Most High has gifted you with this incredible faculty and you now get to display it fully. You have the Potential to be exactly who you say you are. You have the Potential of Greatness, it is deep in your genetic genes.

Whatever you declare to be Possible, it is so. Think the thoughts of Possibility. Stretch beyond your comfort zone into the realm of greater and greater Possibility. God is there waiting for you to realize this awesome gift. Dare to dream. Dare to create. Dare to be Your Best!

You can have that which you desire:

Desire Peace for Humanity;

Desire Acceptance Globally;

Desire Unconditional Love for the infirmed;

Desire complete Forgiveness of all hurt and harm done.

Use your Power to make a positive difference where you are.

Utilize your Potential to the grand scheme of abundant living.

Create Possibility in your world.


Allow your sole expression today to be that of JOY!

Joy to YOU; Joy to the world; Joy to all the boys and girls.

Plain and simple JOY! No worries, no regrets, no concerns, no would have, should have or could have. Just JOY!

JOY is contagious. You will notice that everyone around becomes Joy-filled. Some may not even know why they have become so joyous. So go ahead and just be JOY!

Live life as a child with no regard to the grown up responsibilities of paying bills or any other mundane routine. Just be JOY!

JOY is infectious. Touch someone today and spread this wonderful ailment. By just showing up today filled with unlimited JOY will give others permission to do and be the same. Just be JOY!

Let us concentrate our collective energies of creating an epidemic of thousands experiencing JOY. Even if this is just a one day event, think about all the wonderful souls who have not had JOY in their lives for a long time. Think about how you, yes little old you, can positively affect and infect a life today with a wonderful, cost free good feeling.

I declare today is JOY!


Surrender to JOY today!




Today I deliberately REJOICE!


I stand up in the Truth of Who I Am and Whose I Am.

I rejoice knowing that each day I am becoming the person I desire to be. Today I take another step towards being the best me I can be. I insist that I Am who I say I Am. I know without doubt that I am a gifted and talented child of God! I trust that God has and is blessing me with all of everything I require to live an abundant life!

I rejoice because the challenges have not and will not define who I am. I am my own best friend and confidant. I am a wonderful expression of The Most High. I am glorious and triumphant! I am beautiful and gifted! I Am!

I rejoice in this new day of life and living. I rejoice in this gift of a new beginning. This is the first day of the rest of my life. I live today with complete Joy and Thanksgiving. I Am Alive and Aware of the plentiful opportunities that are on my path this day. I embrace them all, giving thanks to God for their appearance.

I rejoice today because I Am Blessed. I know it, I live it and I believe it. I am blessed with life. I am blessed with a wonderfully awesome day. I am blessed by the many I lovingly call family and friends. I am blessed with a keen mind that is always seeking more knowledge. I am blessed to see, hear, taste and touch.





Let’s crank this thing up, this thing of life that is. Let us get motivated about our unique contributions we are to make and leave a legacy of honor to our children, grandchildren and generations to come grandchildren.

We accept all children of the world as our children. We have a global family and are parents worldwide. We embrace all little ones as our own, knowing that it is our responsibility to ensure none get left behind or are forgotten about. When we see children suffering it becomes our obligation to correct the injustice. We are each responsible for the whole of our babies.

Stir up the masses to understand and over-stand the role they must play in protecting and providing for the little ones. We must not abuse nor abandon. We must honor them with love and respect. We must teach the values that are true and righteous.

Stir it up in your community and with your friends. It is indeed the time, our time to make a conscious effort to improve our environment and build it up. We are heirs to the Kingdom and as good Sheppards we are to leave this world in a better way than we came here. That is our call to duty.

Stir it up within your spirit, Light that fire of worth and passion. Allow the flame to blaze with your acceptance of Who you are, a child of The Most High, Creator, The Infinite Source. Stir it up inside of you. Trust that you are ordained for Greatness and let nothing stop you from achieving it.

Stir it up in your family. Set high expectations for your self and all others. Set the example of being a servant to humanity. Allow your self to be in compliance with God’s Truth. Transform society through giving the best we have for the betterment of the whole.

Stir it up. Shake it up. Let us go to work.

We Are Family, I got all my sisters and brothers with me. (Pointers Sisters)


This month of October we focus on the unity of God, it is called Oneness. In this consciousness of Oneness we are made aware of the all-inclusive Love that The Creator had when designing the Universe.

Oneness means that each and every living thing is part of us. We are then part of everything that has breath. That is an incredible feeling. So be it a tree or a plant, another human or a humming bird, a fish or a squirrel, we are all connected by the same living breath of The Infinite Source!

Oneness is treating all with respect and honor because they are an extension of ourselves. Oneness means no one is any better than the next. Oneness is the ideal state of Peace and Harmony. In Oneness there is Unconditional Love and Acceptance. In Oneness there is an abundance of Gratitude for all we are Blessed to have in our lives.

Oneness is simply allowing. Oneness is the beauty of knowing living this life of ours is a Gift. Oneness is Grand and Opulent in all ways.

This month we willingly and willfully accept others just as they are. We do not attempt to change or alter anything. We simply accept. We do not judge nor condemn. We do not criticize nor force our opinions upon anything or anybody. We simply accept ‘it is what it is’. This is so liberating for us. Our focus becomes us, what we think, do and say. We realize that the only person or situation we can change is within us.

Oneness is the foundation of The Master’s Plan. What we build upon the foundation is entirely up to us. We can build the layers with Truth and Love and know that we are building for Eternity those things of value. We can erect shrines and temples of Abundance and Prosperity.

This month allow your focus to be centered in the thought of ONENESS!

Let us construct a world of Peace and Harmony, beginning with each of us.

To God be the Glory. Thanks God.


Your integrity is your bond. Your bond is the connection, uniting you with God and the other person(s). To tell the truth does not mean you go about haphazardly spouting out things that will cause hurt and harm to others, quite the contrary. To tell the truth means to temper what you have to say with love and compassion.

When you resort to not telling the truth, it destroys the other person. Something in their Spirit dies, in relationship to you. They are put in a position of always questioning the next something you have to tell them. Is this another fabrication, is their thought?

When what you have to say may come across harsh, rethink what you are about to say. Remember to say it with lots and lots of love. Ask yourself, is this going to hurt them? If the answer is questionable, then reword what you have to say. And it is always better to tell the truth than to lie.

We must also be willing to tell ourselves the truth. When you catch yourself thinking unkind and mean thoughts, STOP! Just stop it. Do not allow negative thoughts to remain in you. Remember your blessings and go into a mode of Thanksgiving. Stop the nonsense and start living the truth of Whose you are, a child of The Most High Creator!

Tell the truth.

We are each created in the image and after the likeness of God.

Holy Spirit dwells in each of us!


Do you need to get back on track? Or are you requiring an extra push to stay on track? Do what you love, allow yourself to be led and fed by your passion.

Start the engines and keep your momentum going. Need help, then ask for it. Searching for the right resources, rally your support team and divide the work among the team members. Want a boost, communicate with God!

The work you have to do is rewarding. The Universe is anxious to support you in your efforts. The team is already in place and willing to assist you. You must take action. The first action is to determine you are going to do it, this time you really are going to go to the finish line with your idea.

Keep going, do not stop and allow doubt to creep into your thinking. Yes it is possible. Yes you can and you will. Accept only affirmative answers. Read inspirational literature to boost your morale. Gather around you the most positive influences you know and those you do not. Know that each and every little detail is already handled by the Infinite Supplier of All things. You got the Midas touch with your idea, just keep it going. Trust your idea to be divinely inspired and governed by The Most High.

Keep it going right on through the difficult times. Keep it going when others are telling you it is impossible. Keep it going when you think you cannot go any further. Keep it going, just keep it going.

Yes it may not always look exactly the way you think it should. Perhaps this is the way the Universe is giving you more than you expect. Be Thankful. Be Grateful. Be Excited. Be Enthusiastic. Be Contagious with the belief in your idea and its benefit to the whole of society.




Today I remember who I am.

I am amazing,

I am incredible,

I am abundantly gifted,

I am prosperous,

I am a unique being.

I am a glorious Spirit seeking to add beauty to all of Life!

I am filled with Love and Compassion;

Forgiveness and Harmony;

Peace and Justice;

Wisdom and Understanding;

Clarity and Discernment!


I am free!!!

I am free to fully express WHO I AM!

I give myself permission to release the stranglehold of lack and limitation.

I am Gifted and Wise.

I am Articulate and Powerful

I remember….I AM AMAZING!!!