© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 February 15th

I got G.A.S.

G – God

A – Angels and Ancestors

S – Self

I am filled up and ready for Miracles!!!

I am excited today. I am filled up and ready. I am ready to receive my Blessings of Unlimited Miracles. I have prepared myself for a time such as this. I Am WORTHY AND DESERVING! I trust the process of Life!

My G.A.S. station is always open, it never closes. I pull in for a fill up whenever I require more. I tip the tank off. I use the highest octane, God! I run smoothly through the highways and byways of life. I get better and better mileage as I use this high octane in my tank!

Miracles are unfolding for me every single day. Every moment is filled with wonder and delight. I Am alive and well. I Am enthusiastic about living. My engine is revved up and purring. I Am running on pure awesome Adrenalin of empowerment. I remain Thankful and Appreciative of every mile I travel.

The G.A.S. is free! The price never changes. The price is my consciousness. I choose to be free, to live free and to allow others to be free. I am free of worry, doubt and fear. I truly desire and deserve only the best. My choice is higher awareness of my connection to Source, to The Most High, to The Creator.

My attending Angels and Ancestors are dutiful in caring for my every need. They service me in all ways. I need only pull into the station and they are there waiting for me. I call to them and they respond. They express gratitude for me choosing them because they have been waiting for my visit.

I Am ready for Major Miracles! I graciously accept Major Miracles! Major Miracles flood my every desire!!! I give Thanks.




© Sandy Rodgers Ministries


December 31st

Declare your Blessings today. Know that everything that is present in your life is a gift.

I graciously receive my gifts from Heaven. I know that I have prepared myself for this manifestation of all good. I have completed the required course work to move forward. I am a good student and I have learned well. I am ready for graduation.

Everything I receive is a gift from Heaven. That simply sounds good and very therapeutic to my soul. My Spirit is alive and well. I reap bountiful Blessings.

I release each bit of anything that has no place in my state of newness. I reside in a constant state of Higher Consciousness. My Energy is soaring to new heights and I fly like an eagle. I glide through all situations knowing and trusting that I am headed in the perfect direction for my Highest Joy and Greatest Peace. I remain in a pure state of Thanksgiving and allow more and more to come into my awareness.

Yes! Everything I receive IS A GIFT FROM HEAVEN. It is so because I claim it as so. I desire and deserve the Best of Everything. It is my inherited right to these riches. I do not submit to lower vibrations or expectations. I rise and ask others to rise with me.

I willingly share from my storehouse of Abundance. I have more than enough to share. It is my joyous privilege to share with others. My good is overflowing and bountiful. Thanks God for each and every Blessing that I am experiencing.

Thanks God for Your Grace and Mercy. Thanks God for sustaining me through all. Thanks God for my creation and existence. Thanks God for filling me up to overflowing with Good Life, Joy, Peace, Love, and Wisdom.



December 29th

Live today so tomorrow you can look back and say ‘I have NO regrets.’

Live today as fully and completely as you can. Allow yourself to have fun and celebrate living. Laugh hard!  Do you feel like dancing? Then just do it. You do not have to go somewhere to dance, dance by yourself in your home. Dance with your children, dance with your mate. If you feel like dancing, just dance. Dance until your legs and feet hurt. Dance like no one is watching. Dance like you are a Dance Instructor.

Live today in total Joy and happiness. Show your unconditional Love to someone. Just Love them to love them, expect nothing in return. Cast a spell of Love into the Universe. Just send it out, extend your arms and hands and say, “I send LOVE out to every living thing NOW”. Doesn’t that feel wonderful?

I live today as if there is no tomorrow. I live today to the fullest extend I can in Harmony, Peace, Joy, Passion and Compassion. I share a warm smile with each person I pass today. I say a kind word to others, everywhere I go today.

I choose to live this day in absolute abandon of what others will think of me. Perhaps they will catch it and live today more fully. I am only responsible for my actions. I enjoy this totally ‘free gift of life’ right now. I am alive and eager to love today with no regrets.

When tomorrow comes I will smile a big wide grin and say to myself,



‘I have no regrets.’



December 26th

Today I serve as a healing agent to all I come in contact with. I choose to offer words of encouragement. I choose to demonstrate compassion. I choose to help those in need.

I can offer words to soften a situation. I choose carefully today and make each word I speak a testimony of faith. I offer hope to those around me. I speak kind and loving words. I know and accept the power in the spoken word, which can heal or harm. My words today are only those which will help and heal.

I give my best today as I serve as a healing agent. I smile at a child and ensure them they can accomplish the task before them. I greet a stranger with a welcoming expression and let them know we are all in this thing called life together. I go the extra mile to make a co-worker feel good about the work they are doing. I give my sincere appreciation to all gestures of kindness given to me.

In my home I am a healing agent. Each family member is valued and honored. I respect their actions and trust they are doing their best. I offer advice only when it is asked for. The healing I give in my home is that of expecting the best from each member. As I expect their best, I receive their best. I understand it is in my expectations that which I receive it.

I am a healing agent with myself. I give praise and acceptance to me today. I trust I am doing my best. I know I can choose differently at any given time. I am responsible for each of my actions. I heal myself with unconditional love and respect. I honor myself. I love myself. I cherish exactly who I am today. It always begins with me. As I heal myself I am a better person, free of all negativity. I live a life of freedom and creative expression.

Today I am a Healing Agent! Thanks God.


December 16th

I thank God for you! You bless me each and every time I allow you. You remain honest and generous with me. You ooze unconditional Love from every pore of your being.

I thank you because you have chosen to take this journey with me. We may not always know the direction, yet willingly you accompany me on this path of life. Thank you for showing up today! You could have chosen to detour by taking another route.

I thank you for your dedication in creating a better world. I thank you on behalf of my grandchildren and great grandchildren, who will reap the benefits of your positive contributions to society.

I simply Thank You for ALL that you are, have been or will become.

You Are The BEST!!!





December 8th

What we focus our attention on is exactly what appears in our life. As Buddha said, “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.”

My expectation today is positive and expansive. I expect great things to happen in my life. I expect to be in perfect health. I expect very loving relationships. I expect abundance and prosperity. I expect Peace and Joy! I expect more and more of all good things to be increased in my life.

You may be saying to yourself that is just too much for me to do. I cannot think like that because and you give yourself a reason not to. What harm will it do for you to consider the possibility of increasing only that which you desire in your life? Decide to be a possibility thinker today. Stretch your expectations beyond all that you have allowed yourself to believe is possible or probable. I dare you!

Expect good health and you will find that you soon stop eating the fast foods and prepare more nutritious meals for yourself.  You enjoy shopping for organic fruits and vegetables, you begin to juice. You find it very easy to eliminate fatty foods from your diet. You discover ways to add exercise into your daily activities. You get adequate rest. Your life is balanced.

Expect an increase in money substance and the right opportunities will come to you. The magic here is that you must act on them once they are given to you. You say you have never done this type of work before and you doubt if you will be successful. Well do it anyway. It’s okay if it does not work because it will actually open your creative genius up to work for you. You are telling the Universe you are willing to learn and do something different. Opportunities will flood you and now you have plenty to choose from.

Expect Love and you will receive it. Unconditional Love will come from each and every person you encounter. It will not be limited to a single person or your immediate family. You will feel the Love radiate from you and others. It feels fantastic. Set your expectations to receive that which you truly desire and graciously accept it into your reality!


G     Glorify

I       Indwelling

V     Victorious

E     Energy

T      To Tell

H     Honest

A     Affirming

N     Noteworthy

K     Kind

S      Spoken Words


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He makes me to rest in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters.

He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Yes, though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and they staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely thy goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


Sandy’s version

God is my source. I already have everything I desire. (I only need to see it!)

My lavish garden is peace-filled; in the quietness, my strength is enriched and increased.

I trust God. God’s grace is sufficient.

 When fear knocks; My Faith does not answer the door.

God’s mercy sustains me; carries me through all valley experiences.

As I call forth into being (as I recognize) the bountiful Blessings of my inheritance from God’s storehouse – my life overflows with prosperity and abundance.

 I am accompanied by goodness and kindness; everywhere I go, because God dwells in me.

 (You can personalize scripture for it to be very clear for you as well)



It is amazing that we each have ANGELS ALL AROUND US! You must recognize them to understand the powerful gifts that they hold for you.

Do you entertain the thought that God uses everyday folks like you and me to do the Kingdom building work? Do you really listen for their messages to you? Often time people just relay the message without knowing Who the message is from. Have you ever had someone to tell you something that answered a question or concern you had? And when we are stubborn, the message gets repeated by several people. Same message just a little twist on the messenger.

I have experienced people who told me they were around to do a particular thing but they appeared to help me resolve an issue I had. I listen to each person because I never know where my answer is coming from or who will be delivering it to me. It may be a small child or it may be a stranger. It may come in the observance of nature. Messages are being given to us all the time. Our only duty is to be aware of these gifts.

Remember when you were little and it seemed all the adults were watching out for you? Well they still are. We just need to listen more and accept the knowledge and wisdom coming from others. Truly angels are all around us. They are waiting to be acknowledged and welcomed into your life.

Sometimes angels are on the other side of this physical reality. Ever think you heard your deceased friend or relative voice giving you some advice on how  to do or not do a certain thing? You hear their voice plain and clear yet you discount the message because you know they are no longer present in the physical body we are accustomed to seeing. Open your heart and mind to receiving their messages of help and guidance.

I Love the fact that I have….ANGELS ALL AROUND ME!!!




For clarification on this terminology, Webster’s Dictionary has been used.

Pay – to give to what is due; to give in return for what is received; to give due compensation; to be profitable; to settle; to give. Notice how many times the word – give – comes up in the various descriptions.

Attention – mental concentration or readiness; notice or observation; care or consideration; an act of courtesy or devotion.

Where do you give your mental concentration or to what do you give your consideration? Are you focused on all the good that life has to offer you? Do you remain in a state of Thanksgiving for each lesson on your path? Where is Faith in your equation?

I declare this day to Pay Attention to the amazement of Life! I sincerely appreciate each and every living thing. I choose this day to celebrate the Life Force that circulates in each breathing animal. I Pay Attention to all that is around me this day.

I Pay Attention to my family members, I celebrate each one for their uniqueness and presence.  I take the extra moment to demonstrate my gratefulness to them. I say Thank You with a huge smile and sincerity. I show them I Love them unconditionally.

I Pay Attention to those I interact with on a regular basis. I treasure their gift to me. I share from a place of wisdom, integrity and harmony.  I give my best to the good of all involved.

I Pay Attention to my needs today, I satisfy those things I declare I desire manifested in my life. I scrutinize my thoughts and pay careful attention to what I am entertaining. I Pay Attention to my heart and fill it with Joy, Peace, Gratitude, Love, Harmony and Passion.