© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 March 3rd

What God has for you is beyond your wildest imagination! You cannot fathom the richness, the prosperity, the abundance that awaits you!

God created the Storehouse of Plenty! The Creator said ‘you can have everything that you desire’. The Source of all creation is simply waiting for you to make your request known. WOW!

You must be and remain open and receptive to the Good that is yours. Never allow thoughts or words to contradict your acceptance of Blessings. Trust that it is yours. Watch God show out in your life. The Blessings will begin to flood your life in every area.

Pray constantly with Thanksgiving. Thank God for every detail of your present situation. Thank God for Mercy and Grace. Thank God for life. Let Thanksgiving be your constant prayer.

Meditate on the Goodness of God, your life and all humanity. Surround loved ones in your meditation with perfect health and wholeness. Send those healing energy vibrations out into the universe.

Be prepared to receive. Eliminate all negative thoughts and words from you. Permit only thoughts and words of abundance, life, health and prosperity to linger in you. Saturate yourself in loving thoughts and actions. Yes YOU are worthy and deserving of the best. You must believe this and as you allow yourself to trust, watch it appear abundantly in your life. It is that easy.

The Source seeks to Bless you beyond your wildest imagination! Be ready to receive it. God is, therefore you are. What God has for you is for you!

Published in: on March 3, 2018 at 4:21 am  Leave a Comment  
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April 18th


I am so incredibly THANKFUL this day. Blessings of untold magnitude are filling my existence. They are too numerous to even count!


I give Thanks today. I am Thankful for the gift of breath that freely flows through my body sustaining me. I give Thanks for the rich awesome blood that circulates within my body temple nourishing it with everything it requires for a healthy life. I Am Abundantly Thankful!


I Am blessed by the singing of the birds. They fulfill their purpose in life by joyously doing what they were created to do, TO SING! They are free in flight and glide through the air with ease. They hum, they sing, they produce a wonderful melody.


I Am blessed by the flowering of the plants. The colors are radiant and magnificent. They fill the landscape with their Beauty. I pay attention to the beauty this day. I actually stop and smell the flowers. I bathe myself in the essence of the flowers.


I Am blessed today to be able to share this life with others. I go about my day creating happiness and merriment for myself and others. I simply love everyone, knowing each brings their uniqueness as I allow them. I surround myself in diversity and reap the benefits of drinking from the elixir of mankind. Oh how awesome to behold the wonder in all of humanity. To learn and share with each of God’s creations.


Today I give Thanks simply because I can. I give Thanks because I Am Grateful for my life. I give Thanks to The Source, The Creator, The Most High.


I Am Thankful for the Awesome Abundant Blessings overflowing in my life! What a Joy, what a JOY! WHAT A JOY!!!



March 4th


F – Fantastic

O – Outcomes

C – Creating

U – Unlimited

S – Supply



Where is your F.O.C.U.S. anchored today? Are you holding to the vastness of THE SUPPLY? Do you know there is more than enough to go around, for each to receive a bountiful portion?


There is no scarcity in God’s Universe! There is only Unlimited Supply (US)!


You cannot deplete the storehouse. You can never withdraw more than your share. And your share is unlimited! You are entitled to receive and completely enjoy the fruits of plenty! It is yours by birthright. You are a child of The Most High.


Today I choose to accept the reality of ABUNDANCE! The lavish, generous, overflowing, exceedingly abundant, abounding and inexhaustible Supply is mine when I declare it so. I use my attention to concentrate on All Good, All God. I know that where my attention goes my energy flows. I create that which I think about.


Today I am victorious in maintaining an attitude of Abundance and Prosperity. I allow nothing to disrupt my flow. I stay centered in positivity. I share, knowing there is always plenty available to me.


Today I accept the overflowing of abundance into my life. I graciously receive prosperity in every detail of my affairs. I know, trust and believe I Am a child of The Creator.  I Am a rich heir of the Kingdom! I give Thanks. I give Thanks. I give Thanks!


Today I intentionally use with my wisdom, F.O.C.U.S. to create a more loving environment for humanity.



Declare your Blessings today. Know that everything that is present in your life is a gift.

I graciously receive my gifts from Heaven. I know that I have prepared myself for this manifestation of all good. I have completed the required course work to move forward. I am a good student and I have learned well. I am ready for graduation.

Everything I receive is a gift from Heaven. That simply sounds good and very therapeutic to my soul. My Spirit is alive and well. I reap bountiful Blessings.

I release each bit of anything that has no place in my state of newness. I reside in a constant state of Higher Consciousness. My Energy is soaring to new heights and I fly like an eagle. I glide through all situations knowing and trusting that I am headed in the perfect direction for my Highest Joy and Greatest Peace. I remain in a pure state of Thanksgiving and allow more and more to come into my awareness.

Yes! Everything I receive IS A GIFT FROM HEAVEN. It is so because I claim it as so. I desire and deserve the Best of Everything. It is my inherited right to these riches. I do not submit to lower vibrations or expectations. I rise and ask others to rise with me.

I willingly share from my storehouse of Abundance. I have more than enough to share. It is my joyous privilege to share with others. My good is overflowing and bountiful. Thanks God for each and every Blessing that I am experiencing.

Thanks God for Your Grace and Mercy. Thanks God for sustaining me through all. Thanks God for my creation and existence. Thanks God for filling me up to overflowing with Good Life, Joy, Peace, Love, and Wisdom.



I prepare myself today amply with prayers of Thanksgiving and Appreciation. I go into prayer with my Source and I am guided and directed by this Awesome Presence. I willfully expose the desires of my heart to God. I trust and know God will do for me more than I can imagine. So I open up my life to be blessed by The Infinite Intelligence. My blessings are from on High, the dwelling place of The Creator.

I pray, asking for that which I desire to manifest in my life. I am honest with The Source about that which I desire. It is never too big for God! So I go forth with my dreams and my desires by exposing them to the Universal Spirit. I submit my far reaching goals, my dreams for a better society by which I can make my unique contributions. I ask God in the secret place of my sanctuary, my heart. I tell God of my concerns. God will heal all.

As I listen to Infinite Wisdom I am blessed with ideas, resources and a confidence beyond anything imaginable. My meditation is listening intently to God revealing to me what it is I am to do. My meditation maintains me through the tough times. I remember the promises of Holy Spirit, ‘You can have exactly what you declare and this is the way’, is the advice I am given.

I know I must quiet all distractions when I meditate. There may be no noise or other things going on. I must focus with a grateful heart, as I am being instructed. I turn my attention completely to God and listen. I may need to find this space for me to do this and I shall. The treasure is in the stillness. The answers come to me in the quietness. I turn off everything else and listen.

Yes today I am prepared through prayer and maintained through meditation!

Thanks God for my Blessings this day!!!



It was noon as I stood outside gathering some fresh air. I received a most welcomed blessing when suddenly out of what appeared to be nowhere came a Sparrow that rested on first a tree branch then a fence. It looked at me until I recognized and acknowledged its presence. Then it flew away.

What came to mind for me was the song, ‘His eye is on the Sparrow I know He watches me.’ The song brought such comfort to me as I was in the midst of some interesting opportunities in life. I chuckled to myself and I said to God, Okay I got the message. I went on about my business for the remainder of the day.

The next morning I went about my regular routine and truly believing I was not moved by the challenges I was facing. I had errands to run before going to work. I was in a happy and relaxed state of being, or so I thought. (Remember we always attempt to fool ourselves first!)

I had arrived at the Post Office to mail some packages and bills. I keep my key to my post office box in the side door of my car. I did not want to forget the key so I placed it in my hand. I got the packages from the rear seat of the car, collected the bills and headed to the door. While I stood waiting in line for the next clerk I wondered to myself where my car keys were. I felt at my waist which is a place I will use to tuck my keys and they were not there. So I figured I must have left them in the cup holder compartment in my car. I checked my post office box and left.

As I got into my car I realized the car key was not left in the cup holder, it was left in the ignition! And the car was still running!!! WOW I said to myself. I was bewildered as to why this had happened when suddenly the answer was revealed to me…..




November 14th

I am radiantly blessed and prospered this day. I glow with the Blessings of God.

I remember my story of growing up. I may have called some of the things that happened along the way as unjust or undeserving. Yet today I call it all a Blessing.

I choose to honor all of everything that is a part of my story. My story is rich and vibrant with wonderful people and happenings. My story is worthy of repeating and telling others. I am pleased with my story because it shows how wonderful and powerful I am. I have overcome many challenges. I have walked around many obstacles and still I stand. I stand proud and courageous, knowing I am a Blessed Child of Infinite Source. I tell others of the Mercy that has sustained me. I share my history of Grace and Love.

I know I am blessed. My life is a testimony of survivorship. I find comfort in the simpler things of life. I find Peace within myself. I have discovered the true storehouse of Unconditional Love. Yes I Am Blessed by God’s Grace and Mercy. Yes I am a rich and prosperous Child of The Most High.

My higher consciousness is a Blessing. I lean on the God of my Understanding for all revelations and guidance. My Blessings continue to flow and flood my life with goodness. I experience the wonders with awe and amazement. How Blessed I truly am is a thought that keeps repeating in my mind. If I could only find the adequate words to express my gratitude to this Awesome Presence I serve. God is truly My Source.

Thanks God for Blessings. Thanks God for more Blessings. Thanks God for the increase of Blessings. Thanks God. I Give Thanks, God!




You are witnessing marvelous miracles manifesting in your life today. We give thanks for the abundant blessings flooding you this day!

You have allowed yourself to act upon those things revealed to you through your intuition and have reaped bountiful blessings in the process. You have meditated and prayed, you have listened very carefully to that still small voice within you. All your answers have been revealed to you to create the life you desire.

Give thanks that the voice of intuition has shown up for you. You have obediently listened and followed through on the advice and hunches given to you. The little voice has served you well in helping you to get exactly where you are destined to go. You have maintained Faith in knowing that your dream is worthy for you to achieve. You have kept Hope alive for your dreams.

Intuition is the Spiritual Strength that we require to keep us moving forward and reaching our targets. Intuition is always available to us to guide us and lead us farther and farther to higher heights, sustaining us in a vibrational energy of possibility. It serves us as we allow it to be real and trust it is alive within us.

Just continue to still yourself, void of all outside distractions. Meditate often as you are formulating new thoughts and ideas, new hopes and dreams. Listen and heed to the instructions given to you. Some of the times what is revealed sounds very strange indeed, but listen and obey. You will be greatly pleased and blessed in the process.

The Holy Spirit speaks to you through your intuition. This is God’s radio channel to the highest and best for you. The Creator reminds you of what you promised to accomplish when you came into this world through your intuition. Trust your intuition! Honor your intuition! Thank God for your Intuition!



November 17th

How many ways can I count today to be grateful for my life?

How many expressions can I share that are testimonies to the acceptance and appreciation of others?

How many ways can I say Thanks God, without saying the words?

 How many ways will I show my Love?

 How many ways, indeed. We can go forth today with a dedicated effort and goal of expressing gratitude. We can look and find ways to display our appreciation for this free gift of life. We can even be an example to those that are not exposed to this way of giving thanks continually.

 How many ways will you count when this day is over? Our intention is complete concentration on the Blessings all around us, in every nook and cranny. Our focus is to be grateful the entire day. Whether it be traffic on the roads or a cranky boss, a long line at the grocery store or a delay in your scheduled flight, be grateful and look for ways to make the best of every situation.

Already I have counted about a gazillion things to be Thankful for:

  1. My life
  2. my body
  3. my fingers
  4. my toes
  5. my arms
  6. my legs
  7. my eyes
  8. my feet
  9. my heart
  • the veins in my body
  • the number of breathes I breath with ease
  • Loved ONES! This is where my list gets longer and longer!



November 4th

Look back over your life and count your blessings!

Give Thanks for surviving those tough times.

Give Thanks that you never gave up.

Give Thanks you are still alive, this day!

Give Thanks.

Give Thanks.

Give Thanks.

I count my Blessings today and I Am Thankful. As I count my Blessings I am reminded of the Goodness of God. I say God IS Good, All the time. I can and do say this because it is the absolute Truth!

My Blessings are present all around me. I choose to live in this present moment by counting my Blessings one by one. Blessings are small and large. Blessings are the things that are granted and given to you freely. Blessings are known as family and friends. Blessings are also having sufficiency in all things. Blessings are a gift from God.

In counting my Blessings this day I discover there is not enough time to list them all. The Blessings of my life are overwhelming and I am forever grateful.

I give Thanks today for the out pouring of God’s Grace and Mercy in my life.

I Give Thanks. I Give Thanks. I Give Thanks.